Question: Hello doctor, I have been using the propecia tablets I ordered from yourselves for 5 weeks now which I know is not the full course but am still noticing some shedding of hair at the front of head. Just wondered if this was normal? Can I expect this to stop? Or are the tablets not effective for the hairline?
Answer: Thanks for your email. Hair goes through different stages throughout the growth cycles, which means that it takes a while before you can expect visible results of our Propecia treatment. It normally takes about 3 months before you will notice first improvements. Once the hair has fallen out, the hair follicle goes into rest (the so-called telogen phase, which lasts around 3 months). For further information please have a look at this link: Propecia is a treatment that is taken at the long term and to get the full benefit from it, you must take it regularly. For in-depth information on Propecia, please visit the official website If you do not notice any visible improvements after 6-12 months of treatment, it is unlikely that you will benefit from Propecia thus continued use is not recommended in this case.