STI advice

Testing through Pharma.MyonlineDoctor is simple and without embarrassment. We will send you a kit allowing you to do the test in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Results are provided by a London based laboratory and are loaded up to your personal secure login area for convenient access.

If you test positive through our service well will provide the necessary antibiotics to treat you free of charge.

Please note: if you have had unprotected sex in the past 2 weeks, a urine test may not detect the infection. Some infections such as HIV and syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can only be picked up using a blood test. If you think you may need a blood test please contact your local GUM clinic or GP for advice.

Pharma.myonlinedoctor runs a completely anonymous service and will not under any circumstances put your test results on any central database.

Please note: Some antibiotics used to treat STIs can interact with the combined oral contraceptive pill or contraceptive patch making them less effective, so you should use a condom.

For STI Treatments


STI Advice

If you test positive for STIs tell your partner or any recent lovers so they can get treatment. To avoid passing the infection on to your partner you should use a condom until you are clear of infection.

To avoid reinfection your partner should get tested and should be treated if necessary. If you have tested positive Pharma.MyonlineDoctor can provide a private prescription for antibiotics to your partner as a precautionary measure.

Antibiotics should clear up infection, but in some cases bacteria can be resistant and further courses of antibiotic or antiviral may be prescribed.

Pharma.myonlinedoctor recommends you get re-tested to make sure any infection has cleared up fully. Leaving an infection untreated can lead to health complications such as urethritis, infertility, pelvic inflamatory disease, pelvic pain and an increased risk of ectopic pregnany in women. In men untreated STIs can lead to infertility and protatitis in the long term.

By following a routine yearly health screen for STIs you can minimise the risk of health complications.

For STI Treatments